IA 2024 at Warsaw University of Technology(Sep4-6), Starting Registration

Inter-Academia 2024 will be held in Warsaw from 4th to 6th September. The official website is open for registration.


We look forward to seeting you in Warsaw!


インターアカデミア会議2024(ワルシャワ工科大学) 2024/9/4-6 


会期:2024年9月4日(水)~ 6日(金)  

開催地:ポーランド・ワルシャワ工科大学(受付)、Hotel Zamek Pułtusk(会議)


開催案内(Office365 静大IDログイン要)



IA 2024 at Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

The 21st Inter-Academia Conference will be held in September 2024, hosted by Warsaw University of Technology, Poland.

We look forward to meeting researchers from member universities.


IA 2023 at Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu

From 27th to 29th September 2023, Shizuoka University’s Hamamatsu Campus hosted the 20th Inter-Academia International Conference, with partner universities in Central and Eastern Europe. Celebrating the 20th anniversary of Inter-Academia’s foundation in 2002, this year’s conference was special as it signified the first in-person event in four years, following Covid related postponements and an online conference.

The conference was attended by 108 participants from 13 countries at the conference venue, complemented by 37 online participants from 9 different countries. Representing Shizuoka University were President Kazuyuki Hizume and Prof Kazuhiko Hara (Dean, Graduate School of Medical Photonics) along with turnout of 87 faculty members and graduate students.

At the opening ceremony, Shizuoka University, President Hizume, Prof Masakazu Hara (Dean, Graduate School of Science and Technology) and Prof Ryszard Jablonski (Warsaw University of Technology), a member of the executive committee made the opening remarks. This was followed by lectures from the five invited guest speakers, including talks by Prof Adam Wozniak (Warsaw University of Technology) and Prof Toru Aoki (Shizuoka University).

Over the course of three days, there were 47 general oral presentations (including 10 invited talks), 28 oral presentations by young researchers, mainly graduate students, and 34 poster presentations including short presentations. The Young Researcher Award was conferred to six winners from different countries.

At the closing ceremony, we handed over the baton of the host university to the Warsaw University of Technology (Poland), which will host the 21st conference next year (2024). The gala banquet on the concluding day was marked by a ceremony of appreciation. Prof Annamária R. Varkonyi-Koczy (Obuda University) , Prof Dumitru Luca (Alexandru Ioan Cuza University) and Prof Ryszard Jablonski (Warsaw University of Technology) were lauded for their two-decade-long commitment to Inter-Academia, receiving a special commemorative plaque.

We express our gratitude to the Suzuki Foundation for their support and their generous grant since the very inception of Inter-Academia, which has greatly aided in broadening the reach of our research outcomes.


第21回インターアカデミア会議 ワルシャワ工科大学(ポーランド) 






2023年9月27日から29日までの3日間、中東欧の協定校との第20回目の国際会議、インターアカデミア 2023を、静岡大学の浜松キャンパスで開催しました。コロナ禍で延期、及びオンラインによる会議実施が続いたため、4年ぶりの対面による会議の開催となった本会議で、インターアカデミアは、2002年の発足以来、20周年を迎えました。
開会式では、日詰学長、原正和創造科学技術大学院長、インターアカデミアの運営委員であるRyszard Jablonski 教授(ワルシャワ工科大学)から開会の挨拶がありました。続けて、Adam Wozniak教授(ワルシャワ工科大学)と青木徹教授(静岡大学)による講演を含む5件の招待講演が行われました。
3日間を通して47件の一般口頭発表(内、招待講演10件)、大学院生を中心とした若手発表者による28件の口頭発表と34件のショートプレゼンテーションを含むポスター発表が行われました。学生・若手研究者対象のYoung Researchers Awardでは、静岡大学院生4名を含む6名が受賞をしました。
閉会式では、来年(2024)の第21回目の会議を主催するワルシャワ工科大学(ポーランド)による会議予定の案内がありました。また、最終日のバンケットでは、2012年の発足以来、20年にわたるインターアカデミアコミュニティへの貢献への感謝を表し、Annamária R. Varkonyi-Koczy教授(オブダ大学)、Dumitru Luca教授(アレクサンドル・イワン・クザ大学)、Ryszard Jablonski 教授(ワルシャワ工科大学)に記念盾が贈られました。


IA 2023 (Hamamatsu) opening

IA conference has started at Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu campus on 27th September 2023.

Official conference website


9/27 IA会議@浜松 開会




9月27日~29日 IA2023会議を浜松で開催





27th–29th September, IA 2023, Shizuoka

We are going to hold IA 2023 conference at Shizuoka university from 27th to 29th September.

Please refer to the conference website for the registration.

< Important dates >

Submission of abstractJune 23, 2023
Notification of acceptanceJune 30, 2023
Registration deadlineJuly 21, 2023
Submission of extended abstractJuly 21, 2023
Submission of Proceedings paperSeptember 27, 2023
Conference datesSeptember 27 – 29, 2023



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